Converge 2024

Advocating for those most impacted by the housing crisis in Australia

September 9 - 11 2024

What is Converge?
Converge is an annual gathering of Baptist leaders to lobby Federal MPs and senators on social justice issues. The first Converge was held in 2016, and since that time we have advocated for better policy on refugees and asylum seekers, international development assistance, family and domestic violence, child wellbeing, and foreign policy toward Myanmar. 

Our immediate aim each year is to influence policy outcomes and in the longer term to build a Baptist voice for justice that is known to our political leaders and build a culture of advocacy within the Baptist community.

2024 Focus - Housing Crisis
This year our focus is on those most vulnerable to the housing crisis, such as people in the lower deciles of household income and those who have suffered from domestic and family violence. 

Monday is preparation day.

Tuesday & Wednesday is when the meetings with MP's and Senators are scheduled.

Please Pray

Pray for the delegates as they prepare for the meetings

Pray for wisdom and courage as our delegates attend the meetings.

Pray for the MP's and Senators who we are meeting with that they will be receptive to the message.

Pray for effective, swift action to protect our most vulnerable.

~ Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God ~

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