Forming Collaborations

Around Causes

Take up the cause. 

A Just Cause is an initiative of Australian Baptist Ministries that fosters collaborations in advocacy across the Australian Baptist movement. 

Justice is fundamental to every society that values the wellbeing of its members. In creating a more just Australia, A Just Cause exists to reflect the voices of those who are experiencing injustice. 

Converge 2024

Australia is facing a housing crisis

The housing crisis in Australia is leaving many without a roof over their heads. 

This isn't just a housing issue, it's a social justice issue. Everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to live. We must raise our voices to demand action from our leaders to address this crisis.

September 2024 saw a delegation of Baptist leaders converge on Canberra, to call for immediate and sustained action to tackle Australia's housing crisis.

Join us in prayer for achievable outcomes from meeting with Ministers.

Stand Up for Affordable Housing in Australia

A voice for the voiceless. 

In moving our society towards a greater realisation of justice, A Just Cause focuses on supporting, uplifting, and advocating for: 

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 
  • People seeking refuge and asylum. 
  • Women experiencing domestic violence. 
  • People unable to secure safe, affordable housing. 
  • Older members of our society in need of support and care. 
  • People vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. 
  • People living in extreme poverty. 
  • People subject to modern slavery and ongoing violation of their human rights. 

Working towards a more just Australia. 

Advocacy Roundtable 

A Just Cause hosts the Baptist Advocacy Roundtable, which brings advocacy leaders from State associations and Baptist Agencies together. At the Roundtable, these leaders develop a shared advocacy agenda, take up opportunities for advocacy collaboration, and launch joint advocacy initiatives.


A Just Cause hosts an annual gathering of senior leaders from Baptist churches, associations and agencies to speak with our nation’s political leaders about ways to achieve a more just Australia. Stay tuned for details on the next gathering. 

Advocacy Campaigns 

A Just Cause identifies advocacy campaigns to support, then promotes them to churches. They also contribute education, worship, and advocacy resources that churches can use to integrate justice into their congregational life. 

The Justice Report

The Justice Report, with chapters from Advocacy Roundtable members, is our flagship publication. It overviews eight communities with which Baptist churches, associations and agencies are engaged and actions we believe Australian Governments should take to create more just outcomes for them.

Let’s fight injustice, together. 

For more information about A Just Cause and how your church can support this Australian Baptist Ministries initiative, please contact us. 

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